Watsonville Christian Church

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Our Values
Christ-like prayer
Christ-lead leadership
Biblical life-changing teaching
Uplifting fellowship
Beautiful music
Personal & congregational disciple-making


         Ephesians 3:20 ...to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...

      Mark 1:15 "The time has come," He said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!"

  • There is one God -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • God the Father made all things through the Son, sent the Son for our salvation, and gives us the Holy Spirit.
  • The Son of God, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, was born of the virgin Mary, fully God and fully human, and is the perfect revelation of the Father and the perfect representative of humanity. He suffered and died on the cross for all human sin, was raised bodily on the third day, and ascended to heaven. Standing in for all humanity before the Father, Jesus Christ provides the perfect human response to God. Since he died for all, all died in him, and all will be made alive in him.
  • The Holy Spirit brings sinners to repentance and faith, assures believers of their forgiveness and acceptance as God's dearly loved children, and works in them to conform them to the image of Jesus Christ.
  • The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God that testifies to Jesus Christ. The Bible is fully authoritative for all matters of faith and salvation.
  • Salvation comes only by God's grace and not by works, and it is experienced through faith in Jesus Christ. Christians respond to the joy of salvation when they gather in regular fellowship and live godly lives in Jesus Christ.
  • We look forward to the resurrection, and eternity with our great and awesome God!
The Great Commission

Spiritual Growth Bulletin

Bible Translations

Our Pastor's Calling



P.O. Box 74
Chualar, CA 93925

Scriptures on this website are from the NIV-1984, 2011 or GNT.
Articles were written by Pastor John unless otherwise noted.

Copyright @ Watsonville Christian Church
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