Watsonville Christian Church

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KFAX - 2017 Interview
Our journey

KKMC - 2017 Interview
Who we are

Sermon - June 22, 2019
Lessons from Philemon
Colossians 4:7-97 Tychicus will tell you all the news about me. He is a dear brother, a faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord. 8 I am sending him to you for the express purpose that you may know about our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts. 9 He is coming with Onesimus, our faithful and dear brother, who is one of you. They will tell you everything that is happening here.
1717 Tell Archippus: "See to it that you complete the ministry you have received in the Lord."


Sermon - October 4, 2014
The Sin of Assuming - Learning from King Josiah
(Click here to read the article version: Lessons from a King)

Ministry Minutes
The Great Commission

Matthew 28:19 ...go...make disciples [Christians]...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

Isaiah 55:11 ...my Word...will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

To send His Word we've produced the following one-minute radio messages. All continually air on KFAX (1100 AM) and KCBC (770 AM).

Click on a title to listen.

The POWER of Silent Prayer
Pray BIG!
What is True Worship?
The Ideal Amount of Money
Human Nature Goes to Extremes
The Humility and Gentleness of Christ
Do You Have Margin?
How to Dress for Spiritual Success
To Will and To Do
What I Feared
God is ALWAYS Under-Rated
The Blessing of Repenting
Dedicated to God
Changing Our Minds
Is Your Word Good?

Our God is An AWESOME God!
From the Womb to the Tomb
No More Pain
Is Your Bright Idea from The Devil?
Do You Feel Empty?
A Cheerful Heart is Good Medicine
Are You Over-Committed?
Remember & Forget
If in Doubt, Leave it Out
Don't be Cruising for a Bruising
Don't Be a Eutychus
Are You the 1 Out of 10?
The Lord is My Shepherd
Don't Be a Smorgasbord Christian
The Mission

The Power of Prayer
The Need for Prayer
The Great Commission
The Blessing of Attending
Time with God
God's Dream for You
Counseling with God
Live by Faith, Not by Sight
Live for Him

Don't Give Up!
How to Have Perfect Peace
Jesus Will Never Leave You
Jesus Has a Plan for Your Life
Be Christ-centered not Self-centered
Don't be Deceived
Fix Your Eyes on Jesus
How to Make Disciples
Keep Following Jesus
Listen to Jesus
Take Every Thought Captive
Do All Things Through Jesus
Pray for All Leaders
Revival Meeting?
Fight the Good Fight: Round 1
Fight the Good Fight: Round 2
Be on Fire
Keep in Step with The Spirit
Jesus is Able
Be Transformed

Ministry Seconds

The following are thirty-second messages that air daily on CSN (Christian Satellite Network) 98.3 FM - Salinas, CA.

Assembling Together
Live by Every Word of God
HE is Able

The thirty-second messages below air on all 443 (four-hundred forty-three) AM & FM stations encompassing forty-three states of the Christian Satellite Network (CSN).

Where Jesus is Exalted
Live Unconditionally Surrendered
Listen and Obey
Before I Formed You
All Your Days
Both Lord and Savior
What Makes a Christian Church?
What is Expository Preaching?
God's Perfect Timing
The Most Humble Person
Is Jesus Your Lord of Everything?
What is Love?
Praying All Night
Declare with Your Mouth
God Can't Lie
Tithing Before The Law
The Blessing of Tithing
God's Perfect Will
A New Command
Why Prayers Aren't Heard
Everything for Our Enjoyment
Sins of Omission & Commision
God's & Satan's Plans for Your Life
There's Work for You
Comfort from His Rod and Staff
The Bible

Scriptures on this website are from the NIV-1984, 2011 or GNT.
Articles were written by Pastor John unless otherwise noted.

Copyright @ Watsonville Christian Church
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